Home Tips 10 Reasons Why Your Fish Keep Dying

10 Reasons Why Your Fish Keep Dying

10 Reasons Why Your Fish Keep Dying

No matter how passionate or well-informed the caretaker is, it is of common occurrence that pet fish die.

It is heart-wrenching to find your fish floating dead in the tank. You may be spending sleepless nights wondering what killed your fish, sometimes even blaming yourself.

Would you strop stressing if we told you the fish died of stress?

That’s true. There are many situations that build up stress in fish, and most fish succumb. Let’s uncover the murky truth about why your fish go into stress and keep dying?

  1. Stressful travel

Most fish are caught from the wild and put on the market for sale. The fish you bought may be already stressed from the ordeal. Or it may be that the ride from the pet store to your home was too jerky. Too much shaking and lack of oxygen in a plastic bag are likely to torment the frail creature.

  1. Disease

Stressed fish are prone to illness. You may be doing everything right. But your fish will fail to thrive if they contract a disease. Sick fish symptoms are easily recognizable. Fish diseases can be infectious. If you identify a sick fish it should be immediately quarantined.

  1. Compatibility issues

A newbie can make an unforeseen error in adding a new fish to the tank without considering its compatibility. Some fish species just don’t get along well with the rest. A hostile environment in the tank could be killing your fish.

  1. Tank Size

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With a tank size that is too small, the fish may suffer from overcrowding. Overcrowding may breed aggression and diseases. But if the tank is too big, stress may build-up due to isolation. Fish thrive well in roomy tanks but with good company. If you need help choosing a tank that’s right for your fish, check out this website that’s dedicated to aquariums.

  1. Water condition

Fish need supportive and consistent water conditions. Maintaining the pH balance and appropriate salinity levels are crucial. Fish also need the right amount of minerals like nitrates, nitrites and chlorine from the water. Regular tap water may have an excess of chlorine and ammonia. Without a good water conditioner in the aquarium, fish-health will gradually deteriorate.

  1. Temperature conditions

Fish need adequate light and warmth. When the weather conditions become extreme, you should make adjustments by placing them in a warmer or cooler location. Also at the time of changing water, the temperature should be regulated or the fish might suffer from shock.

  1. Microbial disturbance

A healthy environment in the fish tank depends highly on the beneficial bacterial colonies. The good bacteria grow in the tank filter and substrate. They keep a check on disease-causing microbes and fungal growth. Excessive chlorine in the tank and filter can destroy a supportive bacterial colony and ultimately kill the fish.

  1. Fish-food

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Your fish only need enough food that can be consumed within a few minutes. Overfed fish tanks accumulate harmful bacteria, algae and snail growth – an environment that is too much for the fish to handle. Overfed fish also produce too much waste that can prove to be toxic. Poor quality fish-food and random eatables are a huge reason for dying fish too.

  1. Poor Maintenance

Maintenance of a fish tank calls for discipline and dedication. Tanks need thorough cleaning and water change from time to time. Filters need to be cleaned and replaced too. If you never cleaned the gravel and decor, your fish may be dying due to hidden algae growth.

  1. Aging

You took proper care of your fish, and it was there for you through life’s ups and downs. But as the fish starts aging and comes closer to its natural death, there will be signs of fatigue. Death is indeed the finality of every life. There isn’t much that can be done for saving a fish that is close to its concluding lifespan.


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