Open Kitchen Design
The Open kitchen design one of the most creative designs and give a modern touch to the home entice more people. Many of the persons intending to marry decide to choose the open kitchen design, some decision without hesitation, while others are wondering about its suitability to the size and nature of the House. one of the most disadvantages of the open kitchen designs Odors and cooking fat and the like. How can resolve things and take the right decision in this regard?
Recently, the open kitchen became fashionable, particularly by many young people, without even making a sure fit home or condo for this type of kitchen.
We recall here the need to ensure that the design of the apartment, allowing the design of an open kitchen, where the apartment specifications best suited to the open kitchen is spacious, or double decker. Also, preferably near the living room or dining room, to give wide space in front of the bar.
So there must be at least 1.5 meters of free space in front of the open kitchen. and follow this inspiration open shelving kitchen ideas.
Open Kitchen Design Ideas
In the case of the open kitchen design, non-near of the living room or dining area can be used to two Open kitchens, one dedicated to drinks for guests and a bar, behind a wall, and a small kitchen area, the other being at home in another place quite dedicated to cooking.
As for the suitability of the open kitchen design to the nature of your home, the open kitchen design generally impractical and fits most simple uses, and often performed in a two-story house, where basic kitchen upstairs, open bottom for guest service, if you are constrained to a single kitchen design in your home, you can choose a semi-open kitchen design can control opening and close it by an extra pane click the bar can be opened or closed as needed or put curtains to control close it at any time. Check this latest kitchen trends 2017 to find the most inspiring contemporary kitchen designs and decorating ideas.
As for odors and vapors to point out that this problem was solved through air hoods above the stove, which does not make something smells or fumes come out to the rest of the House. The open kitchen users face a larger problem of privacy, both moved into the kitchen is exposed to others in the House, the problem is that some are trying to overcome them through the curtain give some privacy, but this way spoil the beauty of the open kitchen design and attractive, and often the results are unsatisfactory, the second problem is the loss of storage space, so we lose an entire wall could benefit through the shelves or cupboard, this problem can be solved by additional storage segment over the bar as mentioned previously.
Features open kitchen design:
is being easier to prepare food on the dining table if designed well, it gives the apartment a form attractive aesthetically, it also saves on space. We must point out that the intelligent exploitation of spaces in the open kitchen of the most important features, which place the bar in the fourth wall that is supposed to be for the kitchen, which can be used as a dining table with family or guests up close.
is being easier to prepare food on the dining table if designed well, it gives the apartment a form attractive aesthetically, it also saves on space. We must point out that the intelligent exploitation of spaces in the open kitchen of the most important features, which place the bar in the fourth wall that is supposed to be for the kitchen, which can be used as a dining table with family or guests up close.
Although it provides some spaces, however, wasted a lot of space is one of the disadvantages of the open kitchen, especially if you are not a flat space large enough.
Now show you some beautiful open kitchen design will inspiration you…

Great post. Your ideas help me a lot, great tips to keep in mind. I’m going to try them out with my small kitchen too. Thanks for sharing!