Home Outdoor Best kids tree houses ideas and tips

Best kids tree houses ideas and tips

Best kids tree houses ideas and tips

Kids tree houses are the first dream of independence that prompt in every kid’s mind. here the kids could depend on themselves, invite friends, make small parties, play games, eat snacks, and plans for some amazing tricks to do it with their friends.

Kids tree houses

best kids tree houses

Kids tree houses are not only a haven for children but they consider it their own small world which they can live all the adventures in it, develop their creativity and simulates the life of adults. For all the past reasons if you have the opportunity to make this dream come true, please do not hesitate. If you decided to build one of the kids tree houses for your kids you will become a real hero in their eyes for sure.

Important tips

kids tree houses ideas
  • Check if you need permission from the local planning department before building.
  • Talk to your neighbors and let them know your plans. If your tree house will have a view of a neighbor’s property to avoid future complaints.
  • Talk to your insurance agent to make sure a tree house is covered under your home insurance policy.
  • Check these kids garden ideas will help you to get inspired surrounding the tree house with decorations.

It is not that difficult

kids tree houses ideas

If you are thinking about building a tree house for your kids but have some worries about the difficulty of building one, do not worry we are here to help you!

First, prepare yourself to be a hero! Then it is the time for the second step, search for the right place to build the tree house which must be a place that you can watch them clearly. It is true that not all tree houses are necessarily found in the forest. All that is needed is a good sturdy tree trunk that serves as a solid foundation for the tree house.

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kids tree houses ideas

The ideal trees for kids tree houses are oaks, maples, firs and apple trees. You can always ask for the help of a tree specialist to inspect your tree before beginning construction. The tree must have some qualities like a strong trunk, strong branches, deep roots and well established

The design

cool kids tree houses

Here comes the step of choosing the design that suits the place you choose to build the tree house. Here you can find many pictures of new designs that will surely inspire you. Also, you can find some other useful ideas on the internet or you can buy a book which speaks about how to choose the right design for kids tree houses.

When creating your design, do not forget to plan the growth of the tree. Leave a large space around the trunk of the tree for the tree to grow. It is worth investigating the specific species of your tree to determine the range of growth.

Choosing wood

cool kids tree houses

The reclaimed wood is environmentally friendly but may not be as strong as new wood. Be cautious when picking up reclaimed wood and do not use it for any of the weight-bearing parts in your tree house. You must be firm when you say the warnings to your kids like they must never climb on the roof of their new tree house.

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The access to the tree house

amazing kids tree houses

Before building your kids tree houses, you must decide a way to access it. Such as a ladder, that will easily allow you and your kids to enter the house. Your way must be secure and strong.

You can buy or build a regular ladder to climb to your house in the tree. You can also use rope ladder which made of rope and small boards, that you could hung from the platform of the house on the tree. Stairs also are the safest access way to a tree house.

Kids tree houses furniture

Kids tree houses furniture

The furniture of the tree house must be as light as possible. The lightest is the better because it will not make more loads on the tree house. You can take your kids when choosing the furniture; this will make them so happy and will feel as they have a real house. Use colorful pieces of furniture to add a cheerful feeling to the tree house.

Painting the tree house

kids tree houses designs

If you want your tree house to be more attractive and has a unique appearance, now it is the time to dye it or paint it. Try to choose the color of the paint that works in combination with your home.

Cover for the roof

kids tree houses lighting

The rain could be a threat to the tree house so you may consider using a waterproof cover for the roof of the tree house. And be sure of the safety of the power connections that you will use to light the house.





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