Home Interior Design Kitchen 25 Inspirational Kitchen Backsplash Ideas – Kitchen tile backsplash

25 Inspirational Kitchen Backsplash Ideas – Kitchen tile backsplash

25 Inspirational Kitchen Backsplash Ideas – Kitchen tile backsplash

Kitchen Backsplash Ideas

Changing your kitchen backsplash has become a remarkably easy way to transform your old kitchen into a brand modern kitchen. Read more of our interior design articles and become your own home’s expert designer!

Kitchen Backsplash ideas are the first thing you want to read along carefully when it comes to transforming your kitchen. Backsplashes are no longer a functional use only. They have become of the most important centerpieces in the modern kitchen. After reading along these 2017 modern kitchen backsplash designs. Get prepared to install stylish and efficient backsplashes in your kitchen.

Kitchen backsplash ideas tile

Kitchen tile backsplash ideas

A tile backsplash is an attractive option for any homeowner, in case you didn’t notice, it’s available in a plenty of endless styles, shapes, colors or sizes.

Trendy kitchen backsplash ideas
Once you’ve applied tile backsplash style in your modern kitchen you’ll be fascinated by the smart investment you made. I already told you changing the backsplash can effortlessly transform your kitchen style. Also, tile backsplash kitchen style’s most important feature is its cleaning easiness! However, did you know it will break up the endless arrangement of cabinets?

Subway tile backsplash

Subway kitchen backsplash tile ideas

If you like the classic theme of the subway tile backsplash but you want to get rid of the traditional look, cheer up! Black, tan and gray are now popular alternatives for white! The patterns can also be designed in various ways to emphasize the unique nature or your style! Consider subway tile backsplash decoration and wall protection for your modern kitchen transformation. It`s one of the latest kitchen backsplash ideas for 2017.

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Subway tiles kitchen backsplash ideas

Mosaic tile (DIY-ers favorite)

Why do we call it the DIY-ers favorite? Because you get to choose between many things and you can help installing it as well. The Mosaic tile can be done with glass, ceramic, marble or metal tiles or you can mix any two of these as you wish! However, depending on the material and the area you’ll want to cover, you will then be able to determine the perfect design for chosen area. The backsplash kitchen color ideas must be chosen to match your kitchen theme. However, Beige, cream, white and all neutral tones are known to be the classics that mostly goes with any theme.


Kitchen Appealing Brown Beige Glass Metal Mix kitchen Backsplash ideas

Penny tile (Vintage)

This design adds texture and vintage look into your modern kitchen. It’s kind of attractive, no matter how many designs you go through, you’ll always get back to this gorgeous penny tile look!

Penny Kitchen backsplash ideas

Don’t hesitate to install and add a little texture using this antique white grout in your kitchen! Get tips for installing a penny tile backsplash on Pinterest.

Penny Tile kitchen backsplash ideas

Glass tile backsplash kitchen

Perfect glass kitchen backsplash ideasVia HGTV

I totally LOVE this mirrored glass backsplash tiles. A small kitchen will immediately feel larger once this perfect style is applied!

kitchen backsplash ideas on a budget

Now we’ve enriched you with plenty of trendy kitchen backsplash styles, we’ve some economical tips for you. Check out these pictures for some kitchen backsplash ideas on a budget, these aren’t going to break the bank for sure!

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Cheap Ceramic kitchen backsplash ideas

The backsplash can cover the entire wall above your countertops or just a portion of it. Obviously the more area it covers the more expensive it will get. Therefore, talking about an inexpensive design you’ll want to consider covering only a portion above your countertops. Between 25% to 75% would be a suitable amount, considering how much cooking you do and how close the cooking area to the wall.

Put in your consideration:

  • How much cooking you do
  • How close most cooking you do to the wall
  • Your budget, of course, the more area you cover the more you cost. Between 25% to 75% is used among many homeowners, you might want to choose the minimal coverage.
  • Next to come is the style and materials.
  • After deciding on the materials, you’ll have two contradicting options left, whether you’ll DIY your own kitchen backsplash installation which obviously, will save you a plenty amount of money instead of hiring a contractor.
  • Ceramic tile is known to be the cheapest and most popular choice, and it also comes in a variety of styles.
  • Glass tile is also one of the options you would want to consider.

kitchen backsplash designs

Find out latest kitchen backsplash designs 2017, Explore this collection of the best backsplash design trends.

kitchen backsplash subway tile designs & ideas

Best kitchen backsplash ideas

Modern kitchen backsplash tile

Latest kitchen glass tile kitchen backsplash ideas & designs 2017

Turquoise kitchen backsplash ideas 2017

kitchen backsplash tile

glass tile kitchen backsplash designs

2017 Glass tile kitchen backsplash

Subway ceramic kitchen backsplash ideas

Inexpensive Ceramic kitchen backsplash ideas

kitchen backsplash subway tile

glass backsplash kitchen ideas

Kitchen backsplashes ideas


  1. Hi, I really wish to make the last kitchen backsplash idea can you provide me with a step-by-step tutorial to do one?


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