L-Shaped Desk
When you think about choosing L-shaped desk design?
The L-shaped Desk design one of the practical Office desks designs that suitable for small and large spaces.
Especially the home office room often has a particular character. Because it always contains files and important items that must be organized and arranged nicely. Browse the best desks for small spaces for more space-saving.
This l-shaped desk design is very suitable for children that studying or for adults during their works from home “Freelancer” always need Office room, or workspace is arranged to help them to complete their work in an atmosphere of calm.
L-shaped desk design ideas are multiple, including modern and classic designs can be implemented in more ways than one. In this article, we review 10 design ideas for the L-shaped desk suitable for children and adults, including appropriate designs for ladies with modern colors and other designs in classic colors suitable for men and here L-shaped desk designs with a mixed style between modern & classic fit into everyone.
When you choosing the L-shaped desk for office room, you must take into consideration some things:
1. the place, you must choose the appropriate area of the workspace or choose a suitable room to be the office room. And study this area regarding size and ways of organizing furniture neatly. When choosing Office furniture is not always necessary to use wood, but we must recognize that it is a choice that is timeless, with recent onset other types of furniture such as metal and leather.
2. choose the right desk design that suitable for the place, if space is small, you can select a workspace in one of home corners into small to be practical and suitable for Office space at the same time.
3. choose the right desk design, ladies and girls often prefer light colors like white, pink or purple. But men often prefer Brown and Wood is an appropriate color for men and how to use it, so you don’t spill easily reverse white and light colors in General.
4. you must know who will use the desk, if we are in the process of children desk there are desk designs suitable for children differ from the adult classic desk models.
Modern L-Shaped Desk
We present the following best tips of office room decor that enhance the flow of positive energy in the workplace according to Feng Shui:
1. Get rid of clutter: stimulate negative chaos energy, so try disposed to allow positive energy to flow smoothly. Remove the leaves and stuff and leave only what is necessary. The Overstock above uses the Office creates a sort of chaos that adversely affect your mood and make you feel frustration and fatigue before starting work, either remove it makes you enjoy the activity and optimism.
2. choose to form the appropriate Office: the Office format affects your productivity at work.
3. Select the location of the desk: to locate the desk very basic in its effect on the proceedings. According to Feng Shui, your desk should be a leading site which must be positioned opposite the door and not the other way around, giving you a feeling of control over your surroundings and help you solve your problems.
4. choose the appropriate direction for the desk: try the Office so as not to face any other person to avoid creating an atmosphere of tension between you and your colleagues at work, avoid sitting in front of the bathroom or drawer or under a region at risk. Also, try to avoid sitting and face against the wall, if your desk at work against the wall of the heart.
5. avoid placing sharp objects against your face: make sure the absence of corners or sharp or broken things directly opposite your face, they lead to a flow of negative energy and cause you to fail in your profession in addition to diseases and other ills.
6. decorating your desk with green plants: plants symbol of nature, growth, as it gives life and produce oxygen.
7. place the phone in the right way: make sure you put the phone in the bottom corner desk table and preferably placed to the right of that affect the reactions of people who contact them on the telephone making them offer you help and support. According to the rules of Feng Shui.
8-choose bright colors and accessories: decorating your desk with the accessories of the splendid and bright colors such as red, yellow, and you can put on the Office desk lamp or a vase filled with a brightly colored floral condition to keep fresh at all times.
9. use natural light: natural light is always better, so we advise you to put your desk near the window. Exposure to a lot of bright light might cause you some discomfort and fatigue in addition to very bad mood.
10. decorating your desk in a small Aquarium: place the glass container in which eight fish red or golden color and a black one, but make sure to feed and provide it with oxygen and get rid of the dead eating fish, and replacing them with others to bring good luck.