Home Outdoor Lattice Fence: Functional & Decorative

Lattice Fence: Functional & Decorative

Lattice Fence: Functional & Decorative
source: <a href="http://designingidea.com/lattice-fence/">designingidea.com</a>

Lattice Fence

Honestly, I love just how a lattice fence can secure and beautifully decorate any place. Whether it’s a front yard or a backyard. Not only that, but did you know it can serve as a plants climber? Imagine just how heavenly your garden will look like with vines growing through its squares!

Well, if you don’t know how lattice fences differ from normal picket fence styles. It’s typically strips of wood crossed together forming squares spaces left in between. Ever heard of a lattice pie? Well, I guess they called it lattice because of its shapes that look like the ones on the lattice pie! These timeless fence designs could be made from different materials instead of wood like vinyl or metal. But today, we’re going to focus on wooden lattice fence designs.

Lattice fence beautiful fence

Lattice Fence Ideas

  • Wood lattice is the classic choice, you can paint it whatever color you like. It’s very common & easy to find at stores and also wood is always your most affordable option. Personally, I prefer wood overall, it’s the most natural option.
  • On the other hand, vinyl can take the least maintenance, it’s a good choice that would stand sturdy in any climate.
  • Metal is the most sturdy and long lasting of the three choices. Stands in any climate or soil condition.

The best idea I’ve heard for this type of fence until now is growing climbing plants on the fence. You just plant vines along the bottom of the fence and wait a few seasons until it’s fully grown. You’ll be amazed by the heavenly fence structure, and it’ll also double the privacy!

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Lattice fence for plants

Lattice Fence Panels

Lattice fences are all constructed in the same manner. Whether you want square shapes or diamond shapes, you could just turn the panel horizontally or vertically and you’ll have it!

Now you know how a lattice usually is used, I think it’s time we move aside from the usual cliches. Get a little out of the box and see how else you can benefit from a lattice panel!

  • Since lattice is a pretty pattern that we all fall for. Why not using it for more than just a fence? With a little carpentry & passion, it could end up a beautiful vertical flower bed!
vertical lattice flower bed picket fence designs
  • Another clever idea is to cut a lattice panel the size you want. Attach it to a door or a wall and use it indoors as a hanger for any kind of stuff like shown in the picture below.
lattice fence designs & ideas
  • Use a small lattice piece as a sliding gate to prevent your dogs or babies from running.
  • Make some effort and have a beautiful decorative door for your outdoor shower!
  • Have a small trellis garden with flowers all over decorating your mailbox. Check the gallery below!
  • Also, use lattice panels to cover the bottom of a deck and get an extra private and secured storage place

Wood Lattice Fence Panel

Check out the different lattice types:

Privacy Lattice Fences

privacy lattice fence

There are many style options other than fence materials to choose from. There’s the privacy lattice which is constructed with tighter patterns that would obscure any sight from in or out and still let light through.

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Open Weave Design

Lattice fence designs & panels

This type has larger patterns than usual lattice designs. You’d have no privacy with this style, but homeowners mostly tend to use it with climbing vines and gazebos. It’s commonly used in gardens and backyards.

The Topper Type

golden topper lattice fence

This one is your best choice if you like lattice but still, need privacy. How? Well, the topper type is made with long panels, you attach it on top of a privacy fence. So you can have a privacy yet lattice on top of it. Honestly, I think this type is very gorgeous. look at the picture below!

The Spindle Type

spindle picket fence designs

The spindle type is a popular one though I’m not a real fan. It’s a vertical picket without the criss-cross patterns that I admire the most. This could be a unique touch to your backyard also if you involve it with beautiful flowers & plants. It doesn’t offer privacy but sure will give your front yard an individual feeling.

Ultimate Lattice Fence Gallery

After a lot of research and writing about front yard landscaping,  and you can find inspiration ideas & designs for best picket fence, and fence designs with all its types. I can proudly give you a final gallery, this one is only for lattice fences and many of its functional & decorative styles. Take a look:

Feel free to ask me any question about fencing, landscaping or decoration. I’ll be ready to give you the inspiration & any instructions you need.



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