Home wedding How to choose the suitable wedding invitation card ?

How to choose the suitable wedding invitation card ?

How to choose the suitable wedding invitation card ?

wedding invitation card

After selecting the wedding date, venue and guest list, it’s now time to choose the design and shape of wedding invitation card to notify everyone in place and the wedding date.
No doubt that the design the wedding invitations should reflect the style of the couples. Invitation to attend the wedding of the wedding essentials, and considers important the importance of planning the ceremony and decorations, is the first glimpse of the wedding, the card answered all questions that can touch the minds of guests such as: who? The what? What time? And where? And require the selection of wedding invitation card for your wedding is not the time is short so you have plenty of time to choose.

What is the most expert wedding planners proposes, is to ask the couple before the wedding invitations for a minimum of 3-6 to design invitations professionally and high quality. But there are some rules that must be followed when writing the invitations as iron date, time, and location. What are these rules and how they should be written and what to avoid? follow the tips below and you may take a look at this inspirational DIY wedding ideas.

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wedding cards ideas 2016


The written rules of wedding invitation card:

1. you can write the names of the bride and groom or be using the first letter only
2. the importance of using the clear font for continental and especially the words of the time, date, and place of the wedding.
3. choose the wedding invitation card design according to the nature of the wedding, whether modern or classic.
4. Avoid overly ornate fonts so as not be cumbersome and difficult to read.
5. written the wedding invitation card in the language understood by the guests.
6. choose the suitable card size and avoid exaggerated sizes or complex shapes.
7. care the titles or found like the Professor and doctor and engineer, Mr, and Mrs.
8. distribution of wedding invitation cards before the wedding.
9. determine the number of invitees to the card to avoid embarrassments.
10. choose the suitable language and expressive and attractive raised invitees and excite the curiosity of the ceremony like a thrill for a surprise party.

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Wedding invitation 2016
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And finally: prefers not to use invitations on social networking sites, however, the increased development of technology written messages and invitations remain my favorite and most enduring memory.

Do you think that these steps will help you in the decision-making process when designing wedding invitation card? Share a comment.


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